Grievance Procedure

1. Purpose

It is the policy of the University of Hawai`i at Mānoa (UHM) that faculty and students of UHM be provided with consistent and equitable treatment in resolving disputes. The UHM Study Abroad Center (the Center) in all aspects of its programming operates in a rational, fair and equitable manner. It therefore recognizes that all students and faculty members have a right to appeal any decision made by the Center. The procedures are designed to respond to grievances and complaints in a prompt and equitable manner.

2. Applicability

Barring the University of Hawai`i’s “stand alone” policies which include

  • A9.920: Non Discrimination Policy
  • E2.203: Sexual Harassment Policy
  • E9.210: Workplace Non-Violence Policy
  • E7.208: Student Conduct Code Policies
  • UHM Academic Grievance Policy

These policies and procedures apply to employees and students who are affected by decisions made by the Study Abroad Center as they relate to all aspects of Study Abroad Center programming and administration.

3. Sequential Procedures for Filing a Complaint and/or Grievance to appeal a decision by the Director of the Study Abroad Center, or an authorized designee (including Study Abroad Faculty Resident Directors); the Grievant shall 

  1. Request for a reconsideration of the decision with the Study Abroad Advisor or the appropriate Study Abroad Program Faculty Resident Director. Any such request must be filed in writing within ten (10) working days of the date on the decision correspondence; (5-12-14)
  2. File an appeal in writing with the Study Abroad Director if not satisfied with the response within five working days of the date on the decision correspondence; (5-12-14)
  3. File an appeal in writing with the Chair of the Council and request for a hearing if appealing the Study Abroad Director’s decision.  Any such request must be filed in writing within ten (10) working days of the date of the decision correspondence. (5-12-14)

The Chair of the Council will convene a body of faculty and administrators with a majority of the membership from outside of the Council on Study Abroad. (11-30-11) This body will determine whether a hearing is warranted. If the appeal merits a hearing then a hearing will be conducted.

All decisions made at the Council Chair level including a determination to not hear the appeal will be final and binding without any further appeal.

The findings and decisions reached pursuant to these policies and procedures shall be final within UH Mānoa.

Updated September 19, 2014